Student Solution


"Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world”
– Nelson Mandela

1 University

1 Course

1 Subject

Week 8 - Discussion 1

Week 8 - Discussion

Q Complete the Valuing Diversity Interview activity, summarize the individual’s responses, and discuss the following: What surprised you about their responses? How can leaders leverage individual differences, values and motivations to manage diverse teams? What can leaders do to ensure individuals are able to leverage their differences to enhance decision-making and team effectiveness?

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After completing the Valuing Diversity Interview activity, the individual responses of the respondent provided evidence that gender, age and social status develop difference among individuals. The factor of age had been surprising to me because I had thought that experience in work-management, people-management, etc. can be sufficient to earn respect and lead effectively. Performance of individuals and organizations can be positively affected with the inclusion of diversified characteristics of individuals (Hitt et al., 2018).